Listing membership via email

A list of the members of a mailing list can be obtained via the who command.

The mail command who returns a list of selected members display names and email addresses sorted by email addresss.

>>> from mailman.commands.eml_who import Who
>>> from mailman.utilities.string import wrap
>>> who = Who()
>>> print(
>>> print(wrap(who.description))
Produces a list of member names and email addresses.

The optional delivery= and mode= arguments can be used to limit the
report to those members with matching delivery status and/or delivery
mode.  If either delivery= or mode= is specified more than once, only
the last occurrence is used.
>>> print(who.argument_description)
[delivery=<enabled|disabled>] [mode=<digest|regular>]

Create a list with some members.

>>> from import create_list
>>> mlist = create_list('')
>>> mlist.send_welcome_message = False
>>> from mailman.testing.helpers import subscribe
>>> cmember = subscribe(mlist, 'Cate')
>>> dmember = subscribe(mlist, 'Doug')
>>> amember = subscribe(mlist, 'Anne')
>>> bmember = subscribe(mlist, 'Bart')
>>> emember = subscribe(mlist, 'Elly')
>>> fmember = subscribe(mlist, 'Fred')

Set Bart’s delivery disabled and Elly’s mode to digest.

>>> from mailman.interfaces.member import DeliveryMode, DeliveryStatus
>>> bmember.preferences.delivery_status = DeliveryStatus.by_moderator
>>> emember.preferences.delivery_mode = DeliveryMode.mime_digests

Add an administrator.

>>> from mailman.interfaces.member import MemberRole
>>> imember = subscribe(mlist, 'Irma', role=MemberRole.owner)

A member requests a roser visible only to administrators.

>>> from mailman.model.roster import RosterVisibility
>>> mlist.member_roster_visibility = RosterVisibility.moderators
>>> from mailman.runners.command import Results
>>> results = Results()
>>> from import Message
>>> msg = Message()
>>> msg['From'] =
>>> print(who.process(mlist, msg, {}, (), results))
>>> print(results)
The results of your email command are provided below.

You are not authorized to see the membership list.

An administrator makes the same request.

>>> results = Results()
>>> msg = Message()
>>> msg['From'] =
>>> print(who.process(mlist, msg, {}, (), results))
>>> print(results)
The results of your email command are provided below.

Members of the mailing list:
    Anne Person <>
    Bart Person <>
    Cate Person <>
    Doug Person <>
    Elly Person <>
    Fred Person <>

And again, but skipping those with disabled delivery or digests.

>>> results = Results()
>>> args = ['delivery=enabled', 'mode=regular']
>>> print(who.process(mlist, msg, {}, args, results))
>>> print(results)
The results of your email command are provided below.

Members of the mailing list:
    Anne Person <>
    Cate Person <>
    Doug Person <>
    Fred Person <>

And finally list just digest members.

>>> results = Results()
>>> args = ['mode=digest']
>>> print(who.process(mlist, msg, {}, args, results))
>>> print(results)
The results of your email command are provided below.

Members of the mailing list:
    Elly Person <>