Server owners

Certain users can be designated as server owners. This role has no direct function in the core, but it can be used by clients of the REST API to determine additional permissions. For example, Postorius might allow server owners to create new domains.

Initially, there are no server owners.

>>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/owners')
http_etag: "..."
start: 0
total_size: 0

When new users are created in the core, they do not become server owners by default.

>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> from mailman.interfaces.usermanager import IUserManager
>>> user_manager = getUtility(IUserManager)
>>> anne = user_manager.create_user('', 'Anne Person')
>>> transaction.commit()
>>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/owners')
http_etag: "..."
start: 0
total_size: 0

Anne’s server owner flag is set.

>>> anne.is_server_owner = True
>>> transaction.commit()

And now we can find her user record.

>>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/owners')
entry 0:
    created_on: 2005-08-01T07:49:23
    display_name: Anne Person
    http_etag: "..."
    is_server_owner: True
    self_link: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/1
    user_id: 1
http_etag: "..."
start: 0
total_size: 1

Bart and Cate are also users, but not server owners.

>>> bart = user_manager.create_user('', 'Bart Person')
>>> cate = user_manager.create_user('', 'Cate Person')
>>> transaction.commit()
>>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/owners')
entry 0:
    created_on: 2005-08-01T07:49:23
    display_name: Anne Person
    http_etag: "..."
    is_server_owner: True
    self_link: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/1
    user_id: 1
http_etag: "..."
start: 0
total_size: 1

Anne retires as a server owner, with Bart and Cate taking over.

>>> anne.is_server_owner = False
>>> bart.is_server_owner = True
>>> cate.is_server_owner = True
>>> transaction.commit()
>>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/owners')
entry 0:
    created_on: 2005-08-01T07:49:23
    display_name: Bart Person
    http_etag: "..."
    is_server_owner: True
    self_link: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/2
    user_id: 2
entry 1:
    created_on: 2005-08-01T07:49:23
    display_name: Cate Person
    http_etag: "..."
    is_server_owner: True
    self_link: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/3
    user_id: 3
http_etag: "..."
start: 0
total_size: 2