Command line list creation

A system administrator can create mailing lists by the command line.

>>> class FakeArgs:
...     language = None
...     owners = []
...     quiet = False
...     domain = True
...     listname = None
...     notify = False

You cannot create a mailing list in an unknown domain.

>>> from mailman.commands.cli_lists import Create
>>> command = Create()
>>> class FakeParser:
...     def error(self, message):
...         print(message)
>>> command.parser = FakeParser()
>>> FakeArgs.domain = False
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['test@example.xx']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Undefined domain: example.xx

By default, Mailman will create the domain if it doesn’t exist.

>>> FakeArgs.domain = True
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list: test@example.xx

Now both the domain and the mailing list exist in the database.

>>> from mailman.interfaces.listmanager import IListManager
>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> list_manager = getUtility(IListManager)
>>> list_manager.get('test@example.xx')
<mailing list "test@example.xx" at ...>

>>> from mailman.interfaces.domain import IDomainManager
>>> getUtility(IDomainManager).get('example.xx')
<Domain example.xx>

You can prevent the creation of the domain in existing domains by using the -D or --no-domain flag. Although the --no-domain flag is not required when domain already exists it can be used to force an error when domain doesn’t exist.

>>> FakeArgs.domain = False
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:
>>> list_manager.get('')
<mailing list "" at ...>

The command can also operate quietly.

>>> FakeArgs.quiet = True
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> mlist
<mailing list "" at ...>

Setting the owner

By default, no list owners are specified.

>>> dump_list(mlist.owners.addresses)

But you can specify an owner address on the command line when you create the mailing list.

>>> FakeArgs.quiet = False
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.owners = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> dump_list(repr(address) for address in mlist.owners.addresses)
<Address: [not verified] at ...>

You can even specify more than one address for the owners.

>>> FakeArgs.owners = ['',
...                    '',
...                    '']
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> from operator import attrgetter
>>> dump_list(repr(address) for address in mlist.owners.addresses)
<Address: [not verified] at ...>
<Address: [not verified] at ...>
<Address: [not verified] at ...>

Setting the language

You can set the default language for the new mailing list when you create it. The language must be known to Mailman.

>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.language = 'ee'
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Invalid language code: ee

>>> from mailman.interfaces.languages import ILanguageManager
>>> getUtility(ILanguageManager).add('ee', 'iso-8859-1', 'Freedonian')
<Language [ee] Freedonian>

>>> FakeArgs.quiet = False
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.language = 'fr'
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> print(mlist.preferred_language)
<Language [fr] French>
>>> FakeArgs.language = None


When told to, Mailman will notify the list owners of their new mailing list.

>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.notify = True
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

The notification message is in the virgin queue.

>>> from mailman.testing.helpers import get_queue_messages
>>> messages = get_queue_messages('virgin')
>>> len(messages)

>>> for message in messages:
...     print(message.msg.as_string())
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Your new mailing list:

The mailing list '' has just been created for you.
The following is some basic information about your mailing list.

There is an email-based interface for users (not administrators) of
your list; you can get info about using it by sending a message with
just the word 'help' as subject or in the body, to:

Please address all questions to