================== Suspicious headers ================== Suspicious headers are a way for Mailman to hold messages that match a particular regular expression. This mostly historical feature is fairly confusing to users, and the list attribute that controls this is misnamed. >>> mlist = create_list('_xtest@example.com') >>> rule = config.rules['suspicious-header'] >>> print(rule.name) suspicious-header Set the so-called suspicious header configuration variable. >>> mlist.bounce_matching_headers = 'From: .*person@(blah.)?example.com' >>> msg = message_from_string("""\ ... From: aperson@example.com ... To: _xtest@example.com ... Subject: An implicit message ... ... """) >>> rule.check(mlist, msg, {}) True But if the header doesn't match the regular expression, the rule won't match. This one comes from a ``.org`` address. >>> msg = message_from_string("""\ ... From: aperson@example.org ... To: _xtest@example.com ... Subject: An implicit message ... ... """) >>> rule.check(mlist, msg, {}) False