========= Emergency ========= When the mailing list has its emergency flag set, all messages posted to the list are held for moderator approval. >>> mlist = create_list('test@example.com') >>> rule = config.rules['emergency'] >>> msg = message_from_string("""\ ... From: aperson@example.com ... To: test@example.com ... Subject: My first post ... Message-ID: ... ... An important message. ... """) By default, the mailing list does not have its emergency flag set. >>> mlist.emergency False >>> rule.check(mlist, msg, {}) False The emergency rule matches if the flag is set on the mailing list. >>> mlist.emergency = True >>> rule.check(mlist, msg, {}) True However, if the message metadata has a ``moderator_approved`` key set, then even if the mailing list has its emergency flag set, the message still goes through to the membership. >>> rule.check(mlist, msg, dict(moderator_approved=True)) False