==================== The outgoing handler ==================== Mailman's outgoing queue is used as the wrapper around SMTP delivery to the upstream mail server. The to-outgoing handler does little more than drop the message into the outgoing queue. >>> mlist = create_list('test@example.com') Craft a message destined for the outgoing queue. Include some random metadata as if this message had passed through some other handlers. :: >>> msg = message_from_string("""\ ... Subject: Here is a message ... ... Something of great import. ... """) >>> msgdata = dict(foo=1, bar=2, verp=True) >>> handler = config.handlers['to-outgoing'] >>> handler.process(mlist, msg, msgdata) While the queued message will not be changed, the queued metadata will have an additional key set: the mailing list name. >>> from mailman.testing.helpers import get_queue_messages >>> messages = get_queue_messages('out') >>> len(messages) 1 >>> print(messages[0].msg.as_string()) Subject: Here is a message Something of great import. >>> dump_msgdata(messages[0].msgdata) _parsemsg: False bar : 2 foo : 1 listid : test.example.com verp : True version : 3